Chapter 9 - Question and Answers

Q1. Which of the following cases needs transmission line instead of an ordinary PCB trace on most urgent basis

A. Low frequency small interconnect length
B. Low frequency large interconnect length
C. High frequency small interconnect length
D. High frequency large interconnect length

Q2. Which of the following is true about a microstrip transmission line

A. A wider trace has lower capacitance per unit length
B. The capacitance per unit length does not change with the increase in trace width
C. A wider trace has higher capacitance per unit length

Q3. The dielectric loss

A. Increases with frequency
B. Decreases with frequency
C. Does not change with frequency

Q4. Which of the following methods have best accuracy for calculating the impedance of a microstrip structure.

A. 2D Field Solver
B. IPC Formula
C. Wadell Formula

Q5. The output voltage in open circuit condition of a driver is 3.3v. The driver has an output impedance of 10 ohms. The driver is driving a 50 Ohm transmission line. The initial voltage launched into the transmission line is
A. 3.3V
B. 2.75V
C. Depends upon the termination at the end of line.
D. 1.65 V

Q6. The skin depth

A. Increases with increase in frequency
B. Decreases with increase in frequency
C. Does not depend upon frequency.

Answer and Explanations

4. A , Wadell formula is very close to the accurate result under certain conditions. IPC formula is accurate only for a very small set of values.
5. B. The initial launched voltage will be

6. B

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