Objective C Tutorial with examples

Objective C is the programming language used in Apple's development environment.

What will you learn

Once you complete this tutorial, you will be able to learn how to create new program that can run on Apple's Macbook or the desktop. It will also prepare you to write new applications for Apple's iPhone and iPad.

Pre requisite

1. Learning applications require that you have some basic Apple hardware set up. You will need and Apple Macbook laptop or an Apple desktop. The prices of the Apple's Macbook bas gone down considerably and has become affordable. If you do not own one, you need to buy. If you are budget contrained, consider buying a refurbished Macbook air, that comes under $1K.

3. You should have some basic understanding of a programming language. It will greatly help if you are already familiar with C, though it is not necessary for this tutorial, which has been primarily designed for beginners.

In the next page we will create our environment so that we can proceed to create our first "hello world" program