Reference Designer Calculators

Miles Per Gallon to km per 100 liters Convession

Miles Per Gallon is mostly used in US. There is another way to specify it - km per 100 liters.

Following is the formula for Miles Per Gallon to km per 100 liters conversion.

MPG = (liter per 100 km)* 235.18

If a car gives you 20.00 mpg then it means that the same car will need 11.76 liters to go 100 kilometers. The litres per 100 km is a easier way to visualise money.

To find the liter per 100 km corresponding to mpg enter mpg value in the Box in front mpg button and hit Liter per 100 km.
To find the mpg value corresponding to liter per 100 km enter value in the Box in front liter per 100 km button and hit mpg.

  (miles per galon) :
  (l per 100 km)

If you need a mpg to km per liter calculator you can check here