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Verilog Basic Tutorial
Verilog Introduction
Installing Verilog and Hello World
Simple comparator Example
Code Verification
Simulating with verilog
Verilog Language and Syntax
Verilog Syntax Contd..
Verilog Syntax - Vector Data
Verilog $monitor
Verilog Gate Level Modeling
Verilog UDP
Verilog Bitwise Operator
Viewing Waveforms
Full Adder Example
Multiplexer Example
Always Block for Combinational ckt
if statement for Combinational ckt
Case statement for Combinational ckt
Hex to 7 Segment Display
casez and casex
full case and parallel case
Verilog for loop
Verilog localparam and parameter
Sequential Ckt Tutorial
Sequential Circuits
Serial Shift Register
Binary Counters
Ring Counter
Misc Verilog Topics
Setting Path Variable
Verilog Tutorial Videos
Verilog Interview questions #1
Verilog Interview questions #2
Verilog Interview questions #3
Verilog Books
Synchronous and Asynchronous Reset
Left and Right shift << and >>
Negative Numbers
Blocking Vs Non Blocking
wand and wor
delay in verilog
$dumpfile and $dumpvars
Useful Resources
Verilog Examples
Verilog Quizs
Verilog Quiz # 1
Verilog Quiz # 2
Verilog Quiz # 3
Verilog Quiz # 4
Verilog Quiz # 5
Verilog Quiz # 6
Verilog Quiz # 7
Verilog Quiz # 8
Verilog Quiz # 9
Other Tutorials
Verilog Simulation with Xilinx ISE
VHDL Tutorial
Verilog Quiz
Verilog Quiz # 6
Sixth Quiz
The left hand side of procedural continuous assignment can be
A .
Register or concatenation of registers
B .
Net or concatenation of nets
C .
Can be both registers or nets
Array of registers
Which of the following about resistive switches is correct
A .
Low source to drain impedance
B .
High source to drain impedance
C .
Retain signal strength
Which of the following about UDP’s are correct
A .
UDP can be defined inside modules
B .
UDP can be instantiated inside module
C .
UDP supports inout ports
UDP can take both scalar and vector input
For the diagram given below choose the correct answer
A .
Propagate z if cntrl is asserted
B .
Propagate z if cntrl is deasserted
C .
Propagate 1 if cntrl is asserted
For the segment given below choose the correct answer
bufif0 #(5,6,7) c1(out,in,cntrl)
A .
5=rise 6=turnoff 7=fall
B .
5=fall 6=rise 7=turnoff
C .
5=rise 6=fall 7=turnoff
5=turnoff 6=rise 7=fall
STA(static timing analysis) is a method
A .
Of computing expected timing without using simulation
B .
Of computing expected timing using simulation
Which of the following is equivalent to logic level 1
A .
B .
C .
D .
All of above
If X is a ten digit number which of the following will left extend X[9] three times
A .
{(X[9], X[9], X[9]), X}
B .
(X[9], X[9], X[9], X)
C .
{3(X[9]), X[9]}
{3{X[9]}, X[9]}
Which of the following pertains to parameters
A .
The default size of a parameter in most synthesizers is the size of an integer, 32 bits
B .
Parameters enable Verilog code to be compatible with VHDL
C .
Parameters cannot accept a default value
D .
All of above
None of the above
Which of the following is not true about operators ?
A .
A logical "or" is performed by writing "C = A || B;"
B .
‘!’ performs logical negation while ‘~’ performs bitwise negation
C .
The two types of "or" operators are "logical" and "bitwise."
The "shift right" (>>) operator inserts zeros on the left end of its argument
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Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
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Quiz 7
Quiz 8
Quiz 9