Ring Counter |
4 bit ring counter is a circuit that counts in the fashion shown below
and so on
At the time of reset the value of the counter is initialized to, say, 0001. It then becomes 0010 at the next clock cycle - and this keeps going on. Basically there is one bit that keeps shifting to left 1 bit at each clock cycle and then it rolls over when it reaches MSB. Here is the verilog implemmentation of ring counter.
Some Explanation |
At the time of reset we make the ring counter to start at 4'b0001;
a = 4'b0001; |
When it comes out of reset, we use two statements to update the ring counter at each cycle.
a <= a<<1; // Notice the blocking assignment a[0] <= a[3]; |
Notice that we have used non blocking assignment and not blocking assignment. You can think of it as follows. Just before the clock cycle, mentally calculate a<<1 in a temporary register. Also mentally assign a[0] the value of a[3], BEFORE the execution of the a<<1. Now at the rising edge of the clock the two assignmenta take place.
For example let us say current value of a is 0010. The the left shift assignment will shift it to 0100. The a[0] <= a[3] will not change anything.
Now when the value of the a is 1000, then we have to be careful. The left shift a<<1 assignment is tending to make a to 4'b0000. But remember, we have used non blocking assignment. So the next non blocking statement a[0] <= a[3] takes effect. This statememt, takes the value of a[3] which is 1'b1. Now mentally store is in your mind and at the next clock cycle assign it to a[0].
If, however, you use blocking assignment staatements like
a = a<<1; a[0] = a[3] |
Then counting from 4'b1000 to 4'b0000 may have an issue, and the simulator may result in rolling over to 4'b0000
Here is a test bench for the ring counter.