Verilog Hex to Seven Segment Display |
We will be moving on to write slightly more complex example, this time a hex to seven segment encoder. Basically LED number is displayed with 7 segments.
The hexadecimal to 7 segment encoder has 4 bit input and 7 output. Depending upon the input number, some of the 7 segments are displayed. The seven segments are represented as a,b,c,d,e,f,g. A high on one of these segements make it display. For example to write 1 we need to display segments b and C.
The 7 segment display also has a decimal point dp.
The figure below explains this Let write this example making use of the verilog case statement
Note that we had to assign out as a register in
reg out;
In our case, it was not required because we had only one statement. We now suggest that you write a test bench for this code and verify that it works. If you have sifficulty, you can check it with following test bench
1. Change the above hex to BCD verilog code so that it take negative logic. A segment is on when it gets 0. A segment is off
when it gets logic 1.