Verilog if in Combinatorial circuit
if statement |
statetement in verilog is very similar to the if statements in
other programming languages. We will now write a combinatorial verilog example that make use of
if statement. Let us try to design a priority encoder. Our priority encoder has 4 bit inputs - call them x[4], x[3],x[2]. x[1]. The x[4] bit has the highest priorty. The x[1] bit has lowest priority. At any point of time more that one inputs may be high. Our circuit will check which is the bit with highest priority. And then it gives the binary code of the position of the highest output. If none of the inputs is high, then its out put is 0. The table below shows the behavior of the priority encoder.
Table: A priority encoder with 4 Inputs
x[4] | x[3] | x[2] | x[1] | Output z |
1 | - | - | - | 100 |
0 | 1 | - | - | 011 |
0 | 0 | 1 | - | 010 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 001 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
The - in the table means - it does not matter if the input is 0 or 1. When the x[4] input is 1, it has highest priority and irrespective of the values of other bits, we will give the output that corresponds to the binary digit corresponding to 4 in x[4] or 100. Similarly, if the x[4] is zero and the priority of the next bit x[3] is high, then irrespective of the values of x[2] and x[1], we give output corresponding to 3 of x[3] - or 011. We follow the same logic as per the table above.
Let us now write the actual verilog code that implement the priority encoder
Note that the always statement
always @(x[4], x[3],x[2], x[1])
Could be written as
always @ *
We now suggest that you write a test bench for this code and verify that it works. If you have sifficulty, you can check it with following test bench
Notice the use of the if statement
if (x[4] == 1'b1)
pcode = 3'b100;
else if (x[3] == 1'b1)
pcode = 3'b011;
The general syntax of an if statement is as follows
if [boolean-expr]
[procedural statement] ;
[procedural statement] ;
[procedural statement] ;
[procedural statement];
The boolean-expr
is evaluated and if it is true, the list of the procedural statements between begin
and end
is executed. If the boolean-expr
is false the procedural statements in the else
block is executed. The begin
and end
can be omitted if there is only one procedural statement as
in the case of our example. The else
statement can become else
statement if we wish to check second condition.
A Binary Decoder Example |
We will now present another example that will make use of
statement. A Binary decoder is a circuit that has n inputs and 2n outputs.
It asserts one and only one 2n outputs depending upon the input.
Let us say our binary decoder has 2 inputs x[1] and x[0] and 4 outputs y[3], y[2], y[1], y[0].
We are also making the decoder circuit a bit more complicated by requiring an enable signal. If the enable is 0 ( means it is disabled), the output will be 4'b0000.
The table below shows the function of the Binary decoder.
Table: A 2 to 4 binary Decoder with Enable Signal
Enable | x[1] | x[0] | Output y[3:0] |
0 | - | - | 0000 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0001 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0010 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0100 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1000 |
Can you now try to implement the above on your own without looking at the code presented below.
Note that the if statement
if (enable == 1'b0)
Could also be written as
if (~enable)
We now suggest that you write a test bench for this code and verify that it works. If you have sifficulty, you can check it with following test bench
Exercise |
1. Run the above two examples and verify that the output is as expected.