Javascript TUTORIAL

Javascript Objects - Object Template

In the last page we looked at how to define a single Circle Object. In practice we would like to define a template for the cicle object. We should be able to create the instances of the circle as many times as possible.

The example below defines a template of the circle object and creates three instances of it.

Example - A circle object with properties

<script type="text/javascript">
Example Circle Object Template and instances
Let us define the structure of the object circle.
function circle(x,y,r)
Let us create 3 instances of object circle
circle1 =new circle(0,0,10);
circle2 =new circle(5,5,20);
circle3 =new circle(10,10,30);

document.write("The radius of the 1st circle is " + circle1.radius + " <p>");
document.write("The radius of the 2nd circle is " + circle2.radius + " <p>" );
document.write("The radius of the 3rd circle is " + circle3.radius + " <p>" );

Note the template to create an instance of an object

Circle=new Object();

You can try the example at the link below which will open in a new window

Example - Circle Object Template

In the next page we will create methods on the object circle. We will see how to create area and circumference of the circle by writing methods.